LRCSC Working Certificate
April 12 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
For dogs and bitches of any age that comply with the general qualifications below.
At least three retrieves will be held.
The first will be a single retrieve on land of approximately 50 to 75 yards in length with a live shot pigeon. The second and third retrieves will be water retrieves of approximately 50 to 75 yards in length of back to back singles in water with ducks (this order may be reversed for trial expediency).
The length of the field and cover conditions will be determined by the lay of the land and existing conditions. Decoys will not be used in water tests but boats may be used. A dog may be held in any manner and need not be steady but should be sent only after its number is called. Dog will not be disqualified if sent before its number is called. Dogs need not deliver to hand or heel but must deliver to a designated area. It is okay to encourage the dog to return via voice command. Dog must exhibit some marking ability.